DOOM II UPDATE Version 1.0.3 / April 2, 1996 The 1.0.3 update fixes a number of problems, including some compatability problems with Open Transport (including version 1.1 that shipped with System 7.5 Update 2.0 and System 7.5.3) and MacIPX. Additionally, an improvement was made that will result in faster play, and less “jerkiness” while running multiple system extensions or while AppleTalk or AppleShare are enabled. If you have not already upgraded to Version 1.0.2 of DOOM II, this will also fix a variety of problems. This update utility (1.0.3) will update both versions 1.0 and 1.0.2 of DOOM II. If you encounter any problems while attempting to update your copy, try reinstalling the program from your original CD or disk, then update that copy of the application. NOTE. QuickTime 2.1 and Sound Manager 3.2 are both available from Apple Computer, and we encourage you to use the latest System Software. Updates are available via the Internet, on-line services such as Compuserve and America OnLine, and from your local Apple dealer. Open Transport 1.1 (which is a part of the System 7.5.3/System 7.5 Update 2.0 installers) fixes a number of problems in networking connectivity and you should ensure that you are running that version, especially on PCI-based Power Macintosh computers (including the 7200, 8500 and 9500 models). If you are using the original music files that shipped with Version 1.0, please be aware that the latest music files (which may be attached to this updater, or are available separately) fix a number of problems, and sound much better. Note that the file SHAWN3.MID! (look in the “Music” folder) has an error and may cause your machine to “lock up” when you reach Level 29. Either delete that file (you won’t get music on Level 29 if you do so), or update your music files to the latest version. You can also delete that file and duplicate another music file that you like and rename it to “SHAWN3.MID!” in order to hear music while playing Level 29. For speed freaks, try turning off Music while playing. This will increase your playing speed tremendously. A number of users have reported problems using the GeoPort Telecom Adapter, especially when attempting to connect with PC versions of DOOM II. We have successfully tested the Adapter (both calling and waiting for calls) and found no problems in connecting with both the Macintosh and PC versions of DOOM II. If you are using the Adapter, make sure that you are using the “Express Modem Tool”, not the Apple Modem Tool. Then, make sure you have “Data Features” set to None, “Minimum Speed” set to 9600, “Parity” set to None, “Data Bits” set to 8, and “Stop Bits” set to 1. In our tests, we turned off the “Handshake” option. To determine which version of DOOM II you are running, select the application icon (the DOOM guy’s face) in the Finder (click on it ONCE), then select “Get Info...” from the File menu. Look where it says “Version:”. To determine which version of Open Transport you are running, look in your Extensions folder (it is located in your System Folder of your startup hard disk drive). Select the icon named “Open Transport Library” and then select “Get Info...” from the File menu. To determine which version of the System Software you are running, select “About This Macintosh...” from the Apple menu while in the Finder. Lion Entertainment, Inc. April 2, 1996 NOTE: Lion Entertainment, Inc. does not directly provide technical support for Ultimate DOOM, the shareware version of DOOM, or DOOM II. However, you may contact us on the Internet at “”.